SupportFabrick DashboardOverview page filters

Overview page filters

On the overview page, by clicking on the “Filter” button at the top left, it is possible to select the filters to compare dates. This comparison can be made through the use of two main windows:

  • Date range
  • Period

The "Date range" window allows you to select a generic time span, from the "Last 15 days" to the "Last 12 months", with the option of comparing two "Exact dates".

In the "Period" window, you can choose the time comparison of a previous period ranging from "Previous month" to "Previous quarter".

Filter option "Previous month"

In the case of the "Previous month" option, the calculation of the time frame will follow the natural duration of the reference month. Eg: date 28th November (date "starting from"): payments from 27th October to 27th November will be considered, for a total of 31 days (duration of October, reference month).