Invoice details

By double clicking on the time period of an invoice, you can access the detailed information and proceed with the payment if it wasn't carried out yet.

Once inside the invoice, you can view:

  • Number, account holder, method (meaning the payment method, e.g. SDD), VAT number and IBAN.
  • Time frame, expiration date and amount relating to the document.
  • List of specific items such as:
    The product or service related to each invoice's item. Under the name of the product or service there is the time period of disbursement.
    The Point of Sale code.
  3. PRICE
    The unit price.
    The number of items referred to the single debit row.
  5. VAT
    The type of VAT rate applied (e.g. VAT 22%)
  6. TOTAL
    The total amount for that product or service (excluding VAT).

The following information is reported at the bottom: taxable amount, VAT and total amount (including VAT).