SupportFabrick DashboardGeneral settings

General settings

Within the "General" section of the Dashboard settings, you can manage the preferences of the Dashboard, through specific sections:

Personal settings

  • Language
    You can set the Dashboard in Italian or English.
  • Currency formatting
    Both the Italian format (point to separate thousands and comma for decimals) and the US format (comma for thousands and point for decimals) are available.
  • Date format
    You can customize the date display with 9 different styles.
  • Time format
    The time can be customized in 4 different ways.
  • Time zone
    This field allows you to choose your preferred time zone.
  • Default Workspace
    The default workspace can be changed by any User.

In this section you can choose whether to view the tutorial on the Dashboard only at your first access or at every session.

In this section you can modify the privacy consent which was chosen during the service activation.

The Dashboard shows the latest payments for the period specified in this section. You can choose a time frame of: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year.

In this section, you can send Reports securely via the sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). To do this, go to the Settings section of the Dashboard, scroll down to the Report window and follow these simple steps:

  • Configure the IP and server port on which to receive files (mandatory). 
  • Configure the username that will be used to connect to the server in sFTP mode (mandatory). 
  • Download the certificate containing the public key of our server.
  • It is advisable to white list the IP from which the reports are sent. 

Pay attention to the settings labeled "General" because they change the preferences for all users of the Dashboard.